Paddle Cycling: a fun option for cardiovascular exercise and relax in Aruba

Andreína Peñaloza | Oct 24, 2017

There are a lot of fun sport options at the happy island. A majority of them can be found at Palm Beach and “Paddle Cycling” is one of them.

It is a Paddle Board board with incorporated pedals (similar to an escalator machine) and from there, the handle of a bicycle comes up. The intention of the pedals is to push the board so that instead of rowing with your arms (as I had seen it previously), we can do it in the center of the board. The direction is set with the handle taking it to where you want to go. Like a motorcycle.


It is simple and relaxing because you are amongst the Paradise blues and get to do some cardiovascular exercise.

I liked this experience a lot and I have only seen it in Aruba. So if you visit this beautiful Caribbean island, come and do Paddle Cycling. You only have to get to the beach and there will be the boards, waiting for you.

Masha Danki Dushi!